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"All Politics Are Local" *
The Financial Impact of Space In Ohio

When asked to explain why it is important to support space, we are ready to reply with all the politically correct answers. They always seem to include that Space Exploration is inspirational, that it inspires our society to be better than it can be. Exploring space advances knowledge, inspires our children to pursue math and science in school. Space promotes international cooperation, and has many valuable spin-offs, like Velcro.

These are all good reasons, but most voters don't really care about how Velcro has improved their lives. For Space to become important to them, the concept must be communicated in local terms. There are many deserving needs in a community, and it is important to explain why money should be invested in Space, instead of fighting crime or helping the homeless.

NASA makes available to the public where it spends it's 13.5 billion budget, subdivided by state and congressional district. The money is not spent in Outer Space or Washington. It does not just go to the states that have NASA centers. The budget is distributed to hundreds of towns and cities across the country and in every state.

  1. Contacting
    your Elected Representatives
  2. Time for Political Action -
    The Mars Society's political agenda and goals
  3. "All Politics Are Local" *
    The Financial Impact of Space In Ohio
  4. Contact Information
  5. Letter Writing
  6. Visiting Congress
  7. Political Links
  8. ProSpace Citizen's Space Agenda
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Founding Declaration

Copy of Specific Requests

Thank You Letter

These are substantial sums that directly fuel local economies. The money nourishes high technology companies, boosting competitiveness. Moneys also flow to schools and universities to promote math and science education and to assist in basic research and generate new knowledge.

Each contract and grant from NASA represents how space benefits the lives of people in a community. The public can identify with a business in their community that is thriving because of technology that was developed in partnership with NASA. They can relate to educational opportunities for their children.

Following is information on how NASA moneys are spent in Ohio.

NASA Center: ALL
Fiscal Year: FY 99

click on Congressional District for more details

Congressional District FY Obligations
ALL $41,553,563
01 $55,000
02 $8,178,000
03 $137,218
04 $81
05 $650,229
06 $213,101
07 $316,681
08 $0
09 $151,340
10 $154,359
11 $30,000,590
12 $252,549
13 $110,838
14 $251,253
15 $384,890
16 $6,200
17 $-635
19 $691,869

18 districts were found.


18 districts were found.

Time for Political Action -
The Mars Society's political agenda and goals
  Contact Information

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