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Congressional Action 2001

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Contacting your Elected Representatives

The Mars Society is an organization dedicated to opening the Martian Frontier by public and private means. Contacting and educating our elected representatives about the society's goals is a big part of the process. Whether you make a telephone call, send an email, write a letter, or visit your Senator or Representative in person, it is important to let your elected officials know that their are people in their district and State who are interested in sending humans to Mars. How you make contact can be important as well.:

  • Email your elected leaders. For every email, they assume that 10 constituents share the same view.
  • Call your elected leaders. For every phone call, they assume that 20-50 constituents share the same view.
  • Write to your elected leaders. For every letter they receive, they assume that 100 constituents share the same view.
  • Visit your elected leaders. For every citizen they meet, they assume that a thousand people share their views.

So lets get active, get the message out, and

  1. Contacting
    your Elected Representatives
  2. Time for Political Action -
    The Mars Society's political agenda and goals
  3. "All Politics Are Local" *
    The Financial Impact of Space In Ohio
  4. Contact Information
  5. Letter Writing
  6. Visiting Congress
  7. Political Links
  8. ProSpace Citizen's Space Agenda
Tools (MS Word 97)


Founding Declaration

Copy of Specific Requests

Thank You Letter

      Time for Political Action - The Mars Society's political agenda and goals

Requests concerning this Web site should be directed to Jeff Roche, Webmaster.
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