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. Calendar of Events

August 12-15, 1999
Second International Mars Society convention

The preliminary agenda of the Second International Mars Society convention has now been released. The conference, which will last 4 days, includes over 130 papers as well as numerous panels, plenary talks, and workshops. The conference will be held in the University Memorial Center (UMC) of the University of Colorado at Boulder, August 12-15, 1999. Close to 1000 people are expected to attend, making the convention the largest gathering of Mars Explorers in history. Registration costs $180 ($50 for students), and can be accomplished by clicking here.


The first meeting of the Columbus Branch of the Ohio Chapter Mars Society will be Saturday, 24 July 99, from 11 am to 1 pm at the Worthington Public Library (telephone (614) 645-2622), at 280 High Street (intersection of High and Hartford). We will discuss the status of TransHab, the Mars 2001 Lander, and Mars Global Surveyor; review some high-resolution photos of Mars (including the topographical map), and consider some options for the upcoming Mars Society Conference (e.g. carpooling, hotel rooms, etc.), as well as meet Columbus Branch's Head, Tom Lucero. This first meeting should also be a good opportunity for Columbus-area members to meet other Mars enthusiasts, swap e-mail addresses, make plans for attending the Second Annual Mars Society Conference and discuss plans for the Columbus Branch over the coming year. Any Dayton members wanting to attend and needing a ride there and back can call me at (937) 254-5221, or e-mail me at
patttam@erinet.com. Come share the excitement, and get your appetite whetted for the Annual Convention

March 19-21, 1999 Mars Society table at Millennicon!

     MILLENNICON, Cincinnati's premier Science Fiction Convention, has
invited the Cincinnati Branch to host an informational table and Mars
Society presentation at this year's Event.  MILLENNICON will be held the
weekend of March 19-21 (the calm before the March Storm?), and Guest of
Honor will be none other than Ben Bova!
     Current plans call for selling "The Case for Mars", "Mars Direct"
videotapes, and "Mars or Bust" buttons at the table, a combination "Who is
the Mars Society" and "What is Mars Direct" presentation, and possibly
advertising in the Programming Book.  If you're interested in attending
and/or helping with the table, check out the MILLENNICON website at
http://www.millennicon.org/ , and contact Gavin Whittle, Head of the
Cincinnati Branch.

February 8, 1999 - Meeting with Senator Voinovich

     Our next Representative scheduled is Caryn Candisky, the Northeast Ohio
Director for Senator Voinovich.  This meeting will be on Monday, 8 Feb 99 at
11:00a.m., at the Senator's office in Cleveland at 1240 E 9th, Suite 2955.
We'll meet at Jeff's house at 10:30 a.m. to plan, then head downtown.  If
you can take an early lunch on the 8th, please join us either at Jeff
Roche's house (directions at http://www.drfast.net/mars/dirjeff.htm), or the
Senator's office.  Let's make a Future !

Jeff Roche, our webmaster, has gotten the next Representative meeting scheduled! On Monday January 25, 1999 at 2:30PM, we'll meet with Josh Rubin, who is Senator DeWine's point man with NASA. With the Impeachment trial, Senator DeWine's schedule is uncertain, but Mr. Rubin will pass along our information and will set up our meeting with the Senator at a later date.

We will meet with Mr. Rubin in the Downtown Cleveland Office on the corner of
E 6th and Superior; the address is 600 Superior, Bank One Building 24th floor, suite 2450. Our thanks to Jeff Roche for setting this up; let's mark our calendars and hope for good weather!

Anyone living in Cleveland, please consider taking a long lunch break to meet with us. If you aren't from the Cleveland area and would like to attend, please let us know. We'll be meeting in the home of Jeff Roche (Directions) in Cleveland for 15 minutes or so to discuss how to give the presentation, then just walking in and talking to the Senators Representative.

If you would just like to meet us there here is the location of the Senators Office: Downtown Cleveland Office on corner of E 6th and Superior;
600 Superior, Bank One Building 24th floor, suite 2450

If you can make it, please e-mail Jeff Roche or Tamarack R. Czarnik at patttam@erinet.com for the details.

January 22, 1999 - GEOFFREY LANDIS PRESENTATIONS to the Akron Astronomy Club

Member Geoffrey Landis is scheduled to make two presentations covering Pathfinder and future missions to Mars this month, entitled "Return to the Red Planet". On the evening of Friday, 22 Jan 99 he will present to the Akron Astronomy Club, and a second presentation is scheduled for the afternoon of Friday, 29 Jan 99 to the Engineering Department of the University of Toledo.

The Akron Astronomy Club presentation on Friday will be open to anybody. The meeting is at the Portage Lakes Kiwanis Center, and starts at 8 PM this Friday. Mr Landis received the following response when he asked if Mars Society members could attend:

Hi Geoffrey,
Yes, the meeting is open and we would welcome the Mars Society members. If you would like them to come to dinner that would be great. Of course, we are treating you to dinner but the food at the Waterloo is tasty so the members might like to be there with you. The arrangements are that we will meet you at 6:30 PM and after the meal go to the Portage Lakes Kiwanis Center. The meeting starts at 8 PM and we will have you talk first. I will give you directions to both the restaurant and the Kiwanis Center:

To the Waterloo Restaurant
77 South to Canton
77 South(Canton) to 277 Barberton Exit at Main Street
At end of Main Street ramp make a left turn (there is a light at the end of ramp)
After turning left, get into the right hand lane
At next traffic light, turn right on Waterloo Road
Go about 1/2 mile or so and the Waterloo will be on left side-there's a big sign and a traffic light before the restaurant

To Portage Lakes Kiwanis Center
77 South to Canton
77 South (Canton) to 277 Barberton Exit at Manchester Road(Route 93)
At end of Manchester Rd ramp, make a left hand turn.
Go about less than a mile to Portage Lakes Drive--there will be a left-hand turn (and there will be a Mr. Hero's and a Honeymoon Donut shop on left hand side of road) Turn left on Portage Lakes Drive and go less than a mile to the Kiwanis Center
There will be a curvy sign on right side of road which is directly across from the entrance of the Kiwanis Center which also has a fence If you drive by a restaurant on right of road you have gone too far.

Mr. Landis designed one of the experiments carried on the Pathfinder, and two further experiments on the Mars 2001 Lander. Some of his work on solar energy and in-situ resource utilization with the Ohio Aerospace Institute can be seen at http://powerweb.lerc.nasa.gov/pvsee/publications/wcpec2/DART.html

January 16, 1999 - Presentation of the Mars Direct plan to the Cleveland UFOlogy Project

Brian Miller will give a presentation of the Mars Direct plan to the Cleveland UFOlogy Project on Saturday, 16 Jan 99 at 8:30 p.m. It will be held in the St. Charles Church on 2nd Street, south of Snow Road, in Parma, Ohio off State Route 3 (that's just South of Cleveland). Thanks go to Richard Lee for setting this one up! Those who've heard Brian speak know his enthusiasm and drive; I'm hoping to attend this Saturday presentation myself. Hope to see you there!

January 13, 1999 - Informational table in the Student Union of the University of Toledo (Bancroft Campus) to welcome the returning students.

On Wednesday, 13 Jan 99, Ohio Chapter will host an informational table in the Student Union of the University of Toledo (Bancroft Campus) to welcome the returning students. I'll be there from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m., and our sole (9-year old) Toledo member will join me as classes allow. If anyone else can make it for any part of the time, I'd appreciate the help; please e-mail me at my 'Net address of patttam@erinet.com, or call me at (937) 254-5221 to let me know.

November 23, 1998 - Meeting with Congressman Dennis Kucinich

The Ohio Chapter is Scheduled to meet with District 10 Congressman Dennis Kucinich in his Lakewood Office Monday November 23 at 11:15am. Read the Chapter Alert for Details.

December 5, 1998 - Brian Miller presents "Mars:  What's in it for us, and how do we get there ?" at Oberlin College

Brian Miller, head of the Cleveland Branch, will present "Mars:  What's in
it for us, and how do we get there ?" on Saturday, 5 Dec '98 at 8:00pm, in
the Wright Physics Building, Room 103 at Oberlin College in Oberlin, Ohio.

October 3, 1998 - Midwest Space Development Conference

The Ohio Chapter will be running an information table at the Midwest Space Development conference being held at the Holiday Inn Richfield, Ohio the weekend of October 3, 1998. Dr. Zubrin's "Mars Direct" videotape will be availible for viewing, and a large copy of the Founding Declaration will be availible for signing.

The conference will consist of the following events:

  • On Friday, October 2 will be early registration, a model rocket workshop, a pizza party, and the movie "Contact" followed by a star party.
  • Saturday October 3 starts with Registration from 8 to 11.  Programming
    starts at 9AM, and has the following schedule
    • Don Palac, "Mars Exploration from Early Missions to the Present"
    • Stanley Borowski, "Nuclear Propulsion"
    • Tom Burns, luncheon speaker "A Nickel Tour of the Universe"
    • Lynn Bondurant, "Reach for the Stars"
    • Don Palac, "Galileo"
    • Dan Gauthier, "Mir"
    • John Camp, "Space communities"
    • Geoffrey Landis, "Pathfinder Mission to Mars"
    • Paul Swift, "Mars Rover"
    • forum, "Threats and Solutions"

Registration is $50.00.  There is a special $20.00 per person rate for Mars Society - Ohio Chapter members. Meals are extra.  Room rates are $69.00 plus tax per night. Checks and registration to:

6167 Oakwood Circle
North Ridgeville, OH

October 2, 1998 - First Meeting of the Mars Society - Ohio Chapter

The first meeting of the Ohio Chapter of the Mars Society will be at member Richard Lee's home in Cuyahoga Falls, just north of Akron, Ohio, from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Friday, 2 Oct. 98. 


Requests concerning this Web site should be directed to Jeff Roche, Webmaster.
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