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Mars ActiveX Trivia

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Furelmid Music D/L
Cool Space Music D/L
Water On Mars Music

If you get all 5 correct...the response box will light up 'correct'! Until then...keep trying! Click on each answer box and type in the correct lowercase letter to the names on the left. Good Luck!

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You are playing Mars ActiveX Trivia - brought to you by the Ohio Chapter of the Mars Society.



Match the person to their distinction:
Place a matching LETTER inside each box.

Give yourself 500 if they are all
correct on the first try!


The ANSWERS below are NOT in order.

#1) Orson Wells


A) Wrote 'A Princess of Mars.'

#2) Percival Lowell


B) First saw 'canali' on Mars.

#3) Schiaparelli Giovanni


C) 'War of the Worlds' Mars invasion hoax.

# 4) Robert Zubrin


D) Thought 'canals' built by thirsty Martians.

#5) Edgar Rice Burroughs


E) Wrote 'The Case For Mars.'
All 5 boxes filled??? Click SUBMIT!




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Mars Trivia was created by Tom Chatterton, your webmaster.
The questions were supplied by Tam Czarnik.

Tom Chatterton can be contacted at:

© 2005 Mars Society - Ohio Chapter. All rights reserved.