Mars Society - Ohio Chapter  

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(This page is 100% HTML only.)

The facts are, with the newest browsers, they often ASK first, which may cause you some dismay, but be not alarmed, VB script has many features here that can make your visit both interesting and pleasant. We have a lot of exciting things going on at the Ohio Chapter - and I wouldn't want you to MISS it! Read our OHIO Events.

The Webmaster uses ActiveX and Visual Basic Scripts to make this site more enjoyable, so please allow it. Please make sure you are using browser software of late design, if possible, or have upgraded enough to enjoy the latest style web pages. I use VB because VB scripts are what I am most familiar with, and it allows for great page design. VB and JavaScripts are similar in their design, but I prefer working in VB most of the time.

We are NOT in the business of gathering anonymous information for profit, or spying on users. It's a complete waste of our time, effort and equipment; and even if it is deemed legal, I believe it is unethical. (This is a non-profit organization.) BUT, we cannot be held responsible for content that may be displayed at related sites that have individual control of their own pages or content. We have links you can click-through to other sites, that the webmaster thought might interest you...but we have no control over your conduct or information once you have left our site.

There are NO malicious codes in the pages of this site where I have control over the content. The only time you would submit private information, is if you submit information for a newsletter, etc., during MANUAL interaction, and with your consent.

The reason your browser may be asking, when it hasn't the newer browsers have upgraded their security features, often to the point of being annoying...thus the reason for me writing you this little memo...the MORE annoying the security measures get, the more that has to be explained.

It it is my general opinion, in order to facilitate navigation among Mars related pages here, you have your browser set to ALLOW such activity so you can enjoy the exchange of ideas freely.  As a good practice, it is always a good idea to have your virus/spy software scanning content from the Internet, no matter what site you visit on the Internet.

Thanks for making sure your browser is set to allow ActiveX pages and interactive content while visiting our site.


Your Ohio Chapter Webmaster, Tom Chatterton


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(c) 2005 Mars Society Ohio Chapter