Please allow scripts and pop-ups - at least temporarily - so we can process your password.
Password available from Chapter emails in YAHOO GROUPS (subscribe),
or even the webmaster,

Mars Society - Ohio Chapter
Password Page

RETURN to OHIO Home Page

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Subscribe to Mars Society - Ohio Chapter

JOIN US! The subscription is a way to communicate with other members about upcoming events

Mars Society Ohio - On Yahoo

Missed password? Reload this page. Password ONLY for FILES - not YAHOO GROUPS.

This is a simple password page to keep our
achieves semi-private...but still freely available to our members. Upon a successful password, we will load the files page.
It is suggested upon completion, you close the files page window manually.
It was called from VBscripts (default factory settings) and may not contain all the features
of your main browser screen that you are used to.
Files may also be uploaded via file attachments to the webmaster at any time.

If this page loaded correctly, you should see a VBscripts password box above this text.
For those used to entering the files section all the time...copy the URL of the files page to
go directly to it. Best browsers for viewing files page would be IE 5+ or Netscape w/scripts.

UPLOAD to webmaster, Tom Chatterton, without using website files password.

(c) 2005 Mars Society - Ohio Chapter.