Ohio Chapter of the Mars Society

UC Science & Engineering Expo 2016

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Congratulations to our 2016 Winners!

These pictures show the winners of the Mars Society prizes at the Science & Engineering Expo

held at the University of Cincinnati on March 19.

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The judges for the Mars Society prizes at the Science & Engineering Expo at the University of Cincinnati on March 19.

From left to right: John Thomas, Lesley Thomas, Brennan Callan and Jerry Black.

This was a science fair for 6th through 12th grades.




The first place winner was Panayotis Manganaris, an 11th grade student.

His project was titled “A Study of Neutrino Oscillations”.




The second place winner was Caeli ORourke, a 6th grade student.

Her project was titled: “How to build a Solar Heater”.



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For membership information, contact our State Chair: Jerry Black, gblack@cinci.rr.com


webmastered by: Tom Chatterton


Copyright (c) 2016 by The Ohio Chapter of the Mars Society