31 Dec 2000
Hello, Mars Society - Ohio Chapter !
This will, in all likelihood, be the last time I address all of you together; Lyle Kelly will take over as Chair of our Chapter as of January 1st. Indeed, his determination and enthusiasm have brought him to the forefront long before this, and I expect great things from Ohio Chapter under his guidance.
We have grown remarkably over the past 2 1/2 years; from 5 people in 1998 to over one hundred paid Mars Society members, and three times that many signers, subscribers and supporters. We've hosted the likes of Bob Zubrin and Story Musgrave, presented at Presidential and Vice-Presidential debates, met with kindergarteners and Congressmen; from Science Fiction Conventions, theater tables, Courthouse Squares, radio and television, we've presented the 'Mars Direct' concept more than any other Chapter on Earth.
We can rightly be proud.
And our momentum continues to build into 2001:
Columbus (contact Josh Martin at martin.907@osu.edu)
Cincinnati (contact Janis Jaunbergs
at rupucis371@excite.com or
Lyle Kelly at LHKELLY@aol.com)
Cleveland (contact Bill Benson at Wlbenson@aol.com)
Dayton (contact Tam Czarnik at patttam@erinet.com)
So much more remains to be done! Space.com called recent Mars discoveries the Number One Space Science Story of 2000, saying "Not since Orson Wells terrorized Americans with little green men in 1938 has there been a more exciting year for Mars in the collective human imagination." Evidence of recent water activity on Mars and extensive sedimentary layering have electrified interest in Mars as our next stop in the solar system; people are excited about Mars, and with good reason! It's an exhilarating time to be active in the Mars Society.
If you're not yet a member, I urge you to officially join the Mars Society (www.marssociety.org) today; just $25 for students and seniors, $50 for full membership and $100 for the whole family. If you are already a member, contact your local Branch Head and offer to help, or just pick up a free 'ON TO MARS' sign. If there's no Branch near you, contact Lyle about starting one! Members are scattered throughout Ohio, maybe next door: you are not alone.
Well: 2001 is upon us. "Nunc Fortua est Tua", as my Latin teacher used to say: Your Future is Now. How will YOU spend it? Let me recommend my own New Year's resolutions from 1998: Make Space Exploration a top priority. Make your voice heard. Best of all, GET INVOLVED! Volunteer, join, advocate, encourage, be counted! Our future, YOUR future, awaits; why hold back?
Tamarack R. Czarnik, MD ex-Chair, Ohio Chapter - Mars Society
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